Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Explorer.exe Fails to Launch

The session exits automatically if the application is not started in time. The explorer.exe application takes a longer time to start as it is integrated in to the windows shell.
This registry change allows you to set the length of time a client session waits for an application to start before disconnecting the session.
Caution! This procedure requires you to edit the registry. Using Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious problems that might require you to reinstall your operating system. Citrix cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the incorrect use of the Registry Editor can be solved. Use the Registry Editor at your own risk. Back up the registry before you edit it.
Create the following registry key:
Value Name: LogoffCheckerStartupDelayInSeconds
Value: An integer for the length of time to wait for application start (10 Hexadecimal recommended)

Monday, April 23, 2012

Upgrading Citrix Receiver from version 3.1 to 3.2 prevents Windows Aero in XenDesktop to work

: Citrix Receiver 3.1, Citrix XenDesktop 5.6.
Problem description: if you install the new Receiver 3.2 as an upgrade of Receiver 3.1 your Windows Aero themes in XenDesktop will not work anymore.
Problem cause: after the upgrade the vd3dn.dll file is missing from the ICA Client directory.
Problem resolution: to solve the issue uninstall Receiver 3.1 before installing Receiver 3.2; do not perform an upgrade.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

How to export User details from a Xenapp Farm Version 4,5,6

This is the sample code to export User details from a Xenapp Farm(Version 4,5,6)

        File:          Licenseinfo.wsf
        Description:   Gives a summary of License in the farm .
        Requirements:   WSH 5.5 or higher.
                List License info for farm .
                CScript //nologo Licenseinfo.wsf

How to export User ID details in Xendesktop 3 Environment.

Please find below the steps to export user details. 

create powershell script with extension .ps1
add-pssnapin xdcommands
add this command in ur script or open powershell
and type add-pssnapin xdcommands
then start using the commands get-xdfarm

Monday, April 16, 2012

CloudGateway made simple

Aggregate, control and deliver all of your enterprise applications

Citrix CloudGateway is the industry's first unified service broker that aggregates, controls and delivers Windows, web, SaaS and mobile apps to any device, anywhere. CloudGateway provides end-users with an intuitive single point of access and self-service to all of their business apps on any device anywhere. It also provides IT with a comprehensive single point of aggregation and control for all apps and users.

CloudGateway helps IT and users

  • Deliver all apps. Go beyond Windows apps to aggregate, control and deliver all apps including web, SaaS, mobile apps and data.
  • Unified—not soloed. IT no longer needs to create and manage individual/soloed processes and tools to add new devices, user types and apps.
  • Regain control and eliminate chaos. IT can manage and secure corporate IP, apps and data by unifying and automating controls for apps, devices and identities.
  • Empower users by giving them every app they need in a unified, self-service app catalog that is available from any device, anywhere.
  • Single point of access, single point of control

    CloudGateway provides an excellent experience for both administrators and users. Administrators have one place to manage and control both users and content delivery while users have one place and one login to access all desktops and apps.

    Unified store for Windows, Web and SaaS applications


    Instant user provisioning and de-provisioning

    Deliver a secure, consistent and unified app store to users that displays all of their authorized applications—Windows, web and SaaS—on any device.
    Create automated workflows that allow quick and easy user account creation, updates and deletion for all apps using existing directories and security mechanisms.
    Learn more

    Single point of control for all apps, users and devices


    Follow-Me Apps and federated SSO on any device

    Define comprehensive control policies that use the full access context (user, device, network, etc.) to determine which apps and data should be provided and at what access level.
    Give end-users the flexibility to select their own Windows, web and SaaS apps on one device and seamlessly gain single-click access to the same set of apps on any device.
    Learn more

    Unified SLA and license compliance



    Monitor real-time SaaS application response SLAs to ensure SaaS vendors are meeting their commitments. Manage ongoing license usage for all apps with a unified dashb

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Receiver StoreFront 1.0 – Step by Step Guide

This article will show how to quickly create a StoreFront 1.0 Proof Of Concept.
As per Citrix eDocs:
“Receiver Storefront provides authentication and resource delivery infrastructure for Citrix Receiver, enabling you to create centralized enterprise stores to deliver desktops, applications, and other services to users on any device, anywhere.”
Source: Citrix eDocs
The StoreFront is a component of the new Citrix CloudGateway Express and Enterprise infrastructures; it provides authentication and content delivery (XenApp apps, XenDesktop desktops, SaaS…) to Citrix Receivers for any device and platform.
StoreFront will be the replacement of what we now call the Web Interface; indeed, the WI should be replaced by all customers by 2015. StoreFront gives users the opportunity to choose which applications to have in their ‘home page’. Such information are stored in the StoreFront DB and roams along with users between different devices and OSs. In this way, users will have their settings following them on every device, everywhere.
This article is intended to show how to quickly create a POC and not how to install it in a production environment.
This Guide is divided into three parts:
  • 1 – StoreFront Installation;
  • 2 – StoreFront Configuration – HTTP;
  • 3 – StoreFront Configuration – HTTPS.
As you might know, by default the latest Citrix Receiver will not connect to a non-secure service site, that’s why I included the HTTPS configuration part. Anyway, if you are interested in allowing http access instead of https, you can give a look at this article:geekshangout.com.

1 – StoreFront Installation

Prerequisites: the most important prerequisite is SQL Express, for the others take a look at Citrix eDocs!
1) First of all download the software installer from Citrix.com and save it on your server;
      2) Double click on the icon, accept the license agreement and click Next:
      3) The IIS role will be installed automatically, click Next and then Install:
      4) Click on Finish when the installation completes, you will be redirected to the Citrix Receiver StoreFront Console.
       2 – StoreFront Configuration – HTTP
      We will now go through the configuration of StoreFront as an HTTP site;
      1) In the console select ‘Deploy a single server’:
      2) Type in the server URL you want to use and click Create:
      3) Now we have to create an authentication service for the site, to do that click Create Service in the Authentication box:
      4) Select the authentication method you want to use and click Create:
      5) Now we have to create a store for the site, which is a container of applications and desktops; click on Create Store and enter the name you wish to use:
      6) Now enter the information of the XenApp or XenDesktop farms you want to configure and click on Create; if you need to, you can add more farms later:
      7) Now click on Create Site in the ‘Receiver for Web’ box in order to create a ‘Web Site’ which will provide the ‘Web Receiver’ feature to users:
      8) Click on the link provided to see the web receiver page and then on finish. Your site is now alive!
      9) Insert your User name and Password and Log On:
      10) Click on Add Apps and chose the applications/desktops you want to have on your personal page:
      11) On your home page you will see the apps you chose, just click on one of them to launch it!
      12) From this page you can automatically activate (that is, configure) the receiver installed on your device; to do that click on the ‘Activate Citrix Receiver for your Desktop’ and select Activate:
      13) Click open on the IE alert:
      This is the content of the file:

      Your DesktApp Desktop

      It’s actually an XML file which instructs the Citrix Receiver on how to connect to the store.
       3 – StoreFront Configuration – HTTPS
      We will now go through the configuration of StoreFront as an HTTPS site. In order to do that, you have to bind the HTTPS protocol (along with a valid server certificate) to your Default Web Site in the IIS management console. Once that is done, you can proceed with the following tasks (which are exactly the same as for the HTTP configuration):
      1) Start the deployment process and choose ‘Deploy a single server’:
      2) Then create the authentication service:
      3) Then create the store:
      4) And then the HTTPS web site:
      Your site is now configured to be accessed through HTTPS!!!