Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Lessons Learnt - Xenapp and Xendesktop 7.15 Long Term Service Release - September 2017

1. Why upgrade from Xenapp 6.5

End od Maintenance - Dec 2017
End of Life - June 2018
EOLExtended Support - Jan 2020

Common Upgrade Challenges

1. Picking a Version - Long Term Service Release vs Current Release.

2. Translating feature between IMA and FMA
Advanced Application Mgmt

Agenda -
Versioning - LTSR vs Current Release.

1. Citrix Cloud Releases. - Always the latest.

2. Current Releases - New Feature Releases

3. Long Term Service Releases - Predictable release Cycles...

Comparing Release Offerings.

1. Customer success services required.
2. Product Lifecycle timelines.

Lifecycle -Policy Updates - Current Release.
Long Term Service Release -

Product -
Xenapp Xendesktop - 7.15 LTSR -- 15 Aug 2022 --- 15- Aug - 2027
Xenapp Xendesktop - 7.6 LTSR  -- 11 Jan 2021 --- 11- Jan - 2026

Key Lifecycle 7.15 LTSR Considerations.

1. Xenapp & Xendesktop 7.15LTSR supports Windows 2008 R2, 2012 R2, and Win 2016

2. LTSR VDAs can be mixed with a CR Site .

Feature Translation --

Zones: What are they ?
A Zone in Xenapp 6.5 is a subset of a farm. that containts session hosts
and controllers.

A Zone in Xenapp 7.x is a subset of a Site, that contains VDAs and
optionally Delivery controllers, which communicate to a centralized
SQL database via a Low latency connection.

Two types of zones are available: Primary and Satellite.

Pre 7.7 VDAs do not honor Zone designations and will accept all requests.

POD Architecture is Not Dead.

Failure and update domains are still a factor.

Just because we have zones, does not mean we should deply single.
global sites.

Zones are another tool in the toolbox.

Local Host Cache: What is it?
In Xenapp 6.5 this was a cached copy of the farm datastore.

In Xenapp 7.x, this is a SQL LocalDB Database that exists.
LHC allows continues for continued user connections

Transition Planning -
Must Everything Go.. GO..
New environment builds